I have a strong preference for competent communication. This does not mean that I respect only one style of 'ideal' language, for I am happy to celebrate dialects, language variants and the rainbow variety of restricted codes. Most people who know me will be familiar with my use of non-English words, my sometimes American terminology, and my preference for indigenous pronunciation, never for effect but mostly out of respect. I enjoyed reading Lynne Truss's book, albeit now some years ago. Yesterday I consulted spelling websites in order to check on the most appropriate spelling of the past participle of the verb to spell. I spell recognise with an s not a z. I enjoy word-play (e.g. the single-word purported military dispatch from India "Peccavi"), and I recognise that the term pedant is usually used as an insult.
I dislike the sloppy use of language, and consider it uncouth to revel in language laziness. I feel irritated when I read public signs (such as above express checkout lanes in some Tesco supermarkets), or hear people speaking on the radio (for example Peter White on In Touch, BBC Radio 4, Tuesday 18 December 2012), confusing less and fewer. I feel uncomfortable when I am subjected to the willfully incompetent use of apostrophes. I am at a loss as to why exclamation marks are used so widely and inappropriately, as though the person is standing on a street corner yelling at the passers-by. Where these instances are simply errors to be corrected, I have no issue. My discomfort lies partly in attitudes that revel and rejoice in poor attainment, and partly in that it is popularly held to be elitist ('class hatred' and 'social racism' are terms that have been used) to reject what is uncouth.
William Shakespeare spelled even his name in different ways because that is how English worked four centuries ago. It might appear contradictory that I am untroubled by poor spelling, by poor grammar or by poor pronunciation, as long as the writer, speaker or signer (q.v. Serena communicating with David in Four Weddings and a Funeral) is trying to communicate as well as they are able in their circumstances, and more particularly if they have some form of disability. My daughter has severe communication disabilities, tries hard to communicate as well as she is able, and I have enormous respect for her efforts. However, as I am well-educated, and I do not have a language-related disability, it should be expected of me that my written and spoken English are of high quality, anything less suggesting disrespect. I do my best to speak tourist French and German when on holiday, and although my efforts are not always especially attractive, I always make the effort, because it shows respect.
I hold several closely-related points as near-axiomatic:
1. The excellent use of language communicates most accurately and precisely what is intended. It is to be applauded and celebrated, and should never be sneered at. Language use superior to my own offers me both a target at which to aim, and the opportunity to learn. The excellent use of language does not confer superiority on the user, but it is both considerate and communicates respect for the recipient.
2. The poor use of language, perhaps including obfuscation, obscures understanding. Once I am aware of shortcomings in my communication, I am fully responsible for overcoming them. Whilst not knowing the difference between there, their and they're is a shortcoming, refusing to learn the difference is uncouth.
3. Nobody should be belittled for their poor use of language. However, shortcomings in accuracy and poverty of expression should be recognised, and, where appropriate, acknowledged. This is especially the case with notices. Brazenly placing on public display that which is patently a poor use of language is ill-mannered.
4. The use of a dictionary (in book and on-line formats) allows me both to spell accurately, for which purpose a dictionary should be used whenever there is doubt, and also allows me to refine my understanding of the words that I use. The use of a thesaurus (in book and on-line formats) allows me both to expand my vocabulary and to chose the most appropriate word or term to use. Just as a car helps me to travel greater distances than can be covered on foot, so dictionaries and thesauri allow me to range more widely in thoughts, concepts and ideas.
5. Most word processors have a spelling-check function, offering little excuse for poor spelling in a type-written document. Failure to use a spelling checker communicates a lack of respect, perhaps inadvertent, for the recipient.
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